
1. Available Documentation

We recommend to have a look at the Quick Start first, then maybe continue to read about XQuery support, in particular eXist-specific extensions and features.

getting started with eXist.
how to automate tasks with Ant.
explains how to backup/restore your database contents.
compiling and building eXist distributions, using the Subversion repository.
detailed list of changes.
how to configure cluster environment.
how to configure specific indexes.
eXist supports different alternatives for server deployment.
describes the various interfaces: XML:DB API, XML-RPC, REST, SOAP.
a few notes on how to use the various tools; SVN, eclipse, Ant, PMD, JDepend, ...
describes command-line usage of the Java client
configuring eXist to use LDAP for users and groups.
creating/changing users, passwords and resource permissions.
configuration options for the server.
how to setup your favourite webDAV enabled application.
how to configure and interact over the Atom Publishing Protocol to treat your collections as Atom feeds.
xQuery access control.
xInclude support in eXist.
current status, supported features and extensions.
eXist provides a number of extensions to update document fragments from within an XQuery.

2. Documentation on the Wiki

Further documentation can be found in the Wiki. Among other things, have a look at:

3. Articles

An up-to-date list of articles can be found on the wiki.

If you would like to know more about the internal workings of eXist, you may read the following introductory article:

Wolfgang Meier. Index-Driven XQuery Processing in the eXist XML Database. Paper presented at XML Prague 2006. Presentation slides can be found here as well.

An older article is:

Wolfgang Meier. eXist: An Open Source Native XML Database. In: Akmal B. Chaudri, Mario Jeckle, Erhard Rahm, Rainer Unland (Eds.): Web, Web-Services, and Database Systems. NODe 2002 Web- and Database-Related Workshops, Erfurt, Germany, October 2002. Springer LNCS Series, 2593.

A chapter about eXist is also contained in the book:

Akmal B. Chaudri, Awais Rashid, Roberto Zicari (Eds.): XML Data Management: Native XML and XML-Enabled Database Systems. ISBN: 0-201-84452-4. Published by Addison Wesley Professional, March, 2003.