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We frequently get questions about who is using eXist and if there are any life sites running the software. If you are using eXist in some context that might be of interest to other users or may serve as a reference, please send us a description to be added to this page. Descriptions should be in XML, according to the schema that can be downloaded here. A sample entry is also available.

Smaller applications are welcome as they are often good examples for other users. The following applications have been submitted so far:

Atelier éditorial du Guide Thérapeutique


Authoring system to produce the "Guide thérapeutique" book in XML : the system enables to manage the authoring process of the book (called corpus), using medicaments external databases.
Developed functionalities are : browse and edit (using Epic Editor) the corpus at any structural elements level, search in corpus and medicament databases (fulltext and structure mixed queries), organize (sort, create, delete) "high level" structure of the book without using an XML editor, propagate medicament database updates in corpus, search for unavailable medicaments, secure links, manage index tables, coherence controls, export and transform XML corpus for publishing process (paper and ebook).

Created by:Bruno Chatel
Publisher:Editions Masson
Subjects:Editorial system : authoring of a medical book
Type of application:Web based authoring environment (eXist, Cocoon) integrated with an XML editor (Epic) and Java batch modules.
Database description:size: 20Mb; documents: 4 (corpus, medicaments, international medicaments common designation, index tables); updates: always
Third-party features used:Epic Editor, Java specific modules
Creator's website:http://www.chadocs.com/
Development notes:XQuery, XUpdate, XMLDB Api in Java, XSP pages, XSLT, JavaScript + HTML GUI, Epic Editor integration (chek-in, check-out)

Botanical Database


Search engine for Flora of China descriptions. Aims at being a computer-aided identification tool for specimens.

Created by:Jean-Marc Vanel
Publisher:Worldwide Botanical Knowledge
License/rights statement:GPL
Subjects:biology, taxonomy, botany
Type of application: eXist distribution add-on: Cocoon sub-sitemap
Database description:size: 30Mb; documents: 1; updates: rare; security: read for all
Creator's website:http://jmvanel.free.fr/
Development website:http://wwbota.free.fr/
Production website: http://jmvanel.free.fr/protea.html
Development notes: XSP pages, XSLT styles, java classes interpreting user input and generating XQuery

Content Management System

A site about nutrition and health and how nutrition relates to disease and health. Nutrition research, health news, and intelligent articles and commentary to create greater awareness of nutrition and its relationship to health.

Created by:Keith Campbell
Publisher:Nutrition Advocate, Inc.
Subjects:health, nutrition, newsletter
Type of application:eXist standalone distribution
Database description:size: 5Mb; documents: 200; updates: rare; security: read for all
Third-party features used:Tomcat
Creator's website:http://www.nutritionadvocate.com/
Production website: http://www.nutritionadvocate.com/
Development notes: XSLT styles, java classes interpreting user input and generating XQuery, Apache serving static XHTML content


An online application which gives access to the Bureau Veritas Rules documents. Can be run on a server, locally installed, or off a CD-ROM.
Has Table of Contents, List of Figures, List of Tables.
Supports cross-document links.
Has a quite powerful search facility (thanks to eXist).
All content fragments and all ToC/LoF/LoT fragments are served by eXist.
Serves (static) PDF files for printing. Runs in Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
Makes rather heavy use of XMLHTTPRequest objects to create rich client.
Has a complex ant-based backend that takes output from FrameMaker+SGML and converts it to XML, and prepares it for import in eXist.
Wants to be a framework rather than a hard-coded application, but so far no time has been found to adapt it to other documents, like the TEI P5.
The code name dynaprism is a contraction of Dyna(Web|Text) and DualPrism (well, who remembers the one or the other?).
The official name is now eRules. There is a world-visible production site and an intranet site with different content.

Created by:Jakob Fix, Bureau Veritas (Marine Division)
Created by:Bruno Chatel, Chadocs
Publisher:Bureau Veritas, Marine Division
Type of application:Jetty + Cocoon + eXist
Database description:size: 30Mb; documents: 3; updates: none; security: read for all
Production website:http://erules.veristar.com/dy
Creator's website:http://dynaprism.org/
Creator's website:http://www.chadocs.com/
Development notes:Cocoon sitemaps, Javascript, XSP pages, XSLT styles, XMLHTTPRequest; runs on a server, or from CD-ROM.

FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg - Computer Science Department 2


This is the homepage of our chair. We use eXist and Cocoon to reuse most information that is already stored in the university-wide UnivIS system.

Created by:Thorsten Meinl
Publisher:Computer Science Department 2
License/rights statement:GPL
Subjects:computer science, university
Type of application:storage of data for lectures, publications, theses, etc. that was imported form the UnivIS system
Database description:size: 6Mb; documents: 20; updates: frequent; security: read for all
Creator's website:http://www2.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/
Development website:http://faui20b.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/
Production website:http://www2.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/
Development notes:fully integrated into Cocoon using the XMLDBTransformer

GVSR : Graph Drawing software References

A web directory to help a user finding a graph drawing software adapted to her/his problem.

Created by:Bruno PINAUD
Created by:Pascale Kuntz
License/rights statement:GPL
Subjects:directory, search engine, Graph Drawing software
Database description:size: 4Mb; documents: 60; updates: rare; security: read for all
Production website:http://hulk.knowesia.fr/GVSR2/
Development notes: JSP under Tomcat, XQUERY-based search engine, XUPDATE, binary data (pictures) saved in XML files

Information System for Museums, Archives and Institutes


The HyperRecord system is an initiative for the interconnectivity of museums, born from EC project 0760/001001 CLT CA12 (Culture2000) with partners Theological Library, Maribor, and Bibliotheca Hertziana, Rome (Max-Plank Gesellschaft). It connects different museum’s knowledge domains and provides access to their information resources over the Web by defining a common format for identification via Uniform Resource Names. These URNs identify the single items mentioned in the source documents - museums records, inventary data, contextual archival documents stored in DocBook, TEI, or proprietary formats - and, on look-up, yield one-to-many connections between the different resources.

Created by:Dr. Klaus E. Werner
Publisher:Musei Capitolini (Rome)
License/rights statement:GPL
Subjects:cultural heritage, information interchange
Type of application:eXist distribution add-on: Cocoon sub-sitemap; separate project: RelaxNG schema for recording museum items
Database description:size: 50Mb; documents: 200+; updates: weekly; security: read for all
Creator's website:http://collectio.org/
Creator's website:http://hyperrecord.net/
Production website:http://museicapitolini.net/
Development notes:web site still in continuous development (usability issues etc.)

MPEG-7 web browser


A system to search and retrieve information of operatic data, based on MPEG-7 standard.

Created by: Music Techonology Group (Barcelona, SPAIN)
Subjects:multimedia, indexing, retrieval
Type of application:Web application
Type of stored data: MPEG-7
Third-party features used: Quicktime for Java
Development website:http://www.iua.upf.es/mtg/
Development notes:PHP, Sablotron XSLT, Javascript



MyCoRe is an Open Source project for the development of Digital Library and archive solutions (or, put more generally, "Content Repositories" >> CoRe). In the MyCoRe project a group of universities is working on the development of a shared software core for such applications. This core will be adjustable to local requirements and easy to modify. This is expressed by the "My" in MyCoRe, which represents the local adaptability. On the basis of this core which will be available under the open source GNU General Public License, specific local applications will emerge at the participating institutes. The technical base of the system is formed of Java class libraries, XML technology and the database backend IBM Content Manager and IBM DB2 or an native XML Database System (eXist) and a relational database system such as MySQl or Postgresql.

Created by:MyCoRe Project
License/rights statement:GPL
Subjects:metadata, internal filesystem, hierarchical classification system, workflow, workbasket, distributed search, OAI, Z39.50
Type of application:Web application
Demonstration: http://mycoresample.rz.uni-greifswald.de/docportal/

TELOTA - Project Of The Month

Initiative to inspirit the electronic life of the academy. Every m onth the data of a selected academy project is processed, (re-)structured and presented on the web to give scientists and the interested public a new view in the extensive knowl edge inventory of the academy. We use eXist as backend for web applications in several projects, like dictionarie s and digital editions as well as storage tool in local applications for improving workfl ow. Two exemplary demonstrations are listed below.

Created by:Alexander Czmiel
Publisher: Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Subjects:humanities, dictionaries, digital editions
Creator's website:http://www.bbaw.de/pom.html
Development notes:XQuery, Java, XSLT, Perl

Terminology Database


Created by:Giuseppe Corrarello and Beniamino Larocca
License/rights statement:FAO
Type of application:eXist and J2EE
Database description:size: 1Gb; documents: 13; updates: daily; security: read for all
Creator's website:
Development website:http://www.fao.org/faoterm/search
Production website:http://www.fao.org/faoterm/search
Development notes:

XML Powered Assessment System: <sic/>

Web based generic data capture and evaluation tool. The system allows to define a master data dictionary represented as a tree, multiple user input forms based on the dictionary, and multiple evaluation algorithms calculating "results". The results represent, for example, certification categories or total score based on the data entered. They will be used for certification data capture, evaluation and automatic assignment of categories (stars) for rural tourist accommodations in Latvia.

Created by:Arnis Vuskans (ampatspell)
License/rights statement:GPL
Subjects:assessment, evaluation
Type of application:war
Database description:updates: frequent
Third-party features used:Jetty, Orbeon PresentationServer
Development website:http://adm.celotajs.lv/prj/sic
Development notes: Orbeon PresentationServer based application backed by eXist native xml database